Learn more about how providing contract Clean Team services to organizations across the District gives RWW more opportunities to combat homelessness and provide work to the underemployed!
Clean Team member Wendy Young was provided with all the furnishings she needed for her own apartment after being homeless for more than a year. Watch to understand why RWW’s holistic services are so important.
Without Ready, Willing & Working, Damon says his life would be a whole lot different. As Associate Director of Field Operations, Damon now helps others experience that same life changing opportunity.
RWW Brings Holiday Cheer to Families in DC & Cumberland Federal Prison
Ready, Willing & Working is pleased to welcome long-time DC activist Carol Fennelly to our Board of Directors. For more than four decades, Carol has been a passionate advocate for the marginalized and underserved in the Nation’s Capital.
Support our efforts to end homelessness and strengthen our communities. All donations are 100% tax-deductible and go directly to our program and help provide supportive services for our "Men in Blue"!
Ready, Willing & Working is now on Instagram!
Follow @RWWDC to stay up to date with the “men in blue!”