Hill and Go Seek, a First of its Kind Bicycle Event on Capitol Hill – Benefiting Ready, Willing & Working
Saturday, August 28, 2010
5 – 8 pm (Check-in starts at 3 pm)
After party at H Street Country Club
CAPITOL HILL – Whether you are a bicycle enthusiast or just like a good competition, Hill and Go Seek is for you. For a $20 entry fee, teams of two are invited to participate in this scavenger hunt style bicycle race hosted by the Capitol Hill Business Improvement District and CHAMPS – Capitol Hill’s Chamber of Commerce.
Partnered with Capitol Hill Bikes, The Office of Tommy Wells, DDOT’s Capital Bikeshare and the Washington Area Bicycle Association (WABA), Hill and Go Seek will put the riders to the test – creatively and physically. Starting at 5 pm, teams will be given a list of ten points of interest throughout Capitol Hill. From Barracks Row to RFK Stadium, Eastern Market to the H Street Corridor – it is up to the riders to choose the best route between stops.
Points will be awarded for: completion speed; checkpoints completed; tasks completed; as well as other point-earning categories like creativity and participation using correct safety gear. Winners will be determined by greatest number of overall points, and will be announced at an after party hosted by the H Street Country Club.
Pre-registration is highly recommended and available online at www.hillandgoseek.eventbrite.com or at Capitol Hill Bikes (cash or check only) located at 719 8th Street SE.
Proceeds from Hill and Go Seek will benefit Ready, Willing & Working a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that empowers men to break the cycles of homelessness, welfare dependency and criminal recidivism through a residential, paid-work rehabilitation program offering holistic programs and supportive services that allow individuals to achieve permanent self-sufficiency.