Love Antiques? Save the Date for Antiques Migration – Portion of Proceeds to Benefit RWW

If you love to collect antiques, be sure to mark your calendars for Antiques Migration, presented by River’s Edge Antiques. Located in Pennsylvania, River’s Edge Antiques will be bringing an eclectic mix of antiques and collectibles down to the Washington, DC area on April 19, 20, and 21. A portion of their proceeds will benefit Ready, Willing & Working (RWW), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization launched by the Capitol Hill BID in 2008 as a solution to end homelessness and criminal recidivism through meaningful employment.

Antiques Migration will be held in Arlington, VA at the Lyon Community House: 1920 N. Highland Street, Arlington, VA 22201.

Thursday, April 19 – Sneak Preview 6:00-9:00pm ($5.00 entree fee benefits RWW)

Friday, April 20 – 9:00am – 7:00pm (Free Entry)

Saturday, April 21 – 9:00am – 5:00pm (Free Entry)

Delivery is available in the DC Metro area, and our “men in blue” will be assisting with the deliveries. Cash, Checks, and Visa/Mastercard will be accepted.

For information about River’s Edge Antiques, call 814-395-5267 or email You can also find them on Facebook; simply search for “rivers edge antiques.”