Ready, Willing & Working At A Glance

Did you know that 70% of participants from Ready, Willing & Working remain employed, independently housed and drug-free after 3 years of entering the program? Check out more information about our program here, in Ready, Willing & Working At A Glance.

jerome broom_left

One Comment On “Ready, Willing & Working At A Glance”

  1. My name is Erick Jackson, and I have been reading a lot on the progress of this program and what it does for men that is serious about making a change. I’m so overwhelmed to I decided to write a comment. This program relates to me because I am as well trying to make a positive long term change in my life to be a leading example in my kids life. I do want to be apart of this program, make a difference in my community,and become part of something great. So I would just like to take this time and say thank you for giving men a opportunity,and again hope to be part of this great staff.

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