Author: RWW

Ready, Willing & Working Welcomes Carol Fennelly to the Board of Directors

Photograph by Stephen Voss

Ready, Willing & Working (RWW) is pleased to welcome long-time DC activist Carol Fennelly to our Board of Directors. For more than four decades, Carol has been a passionate advocate for the marginalized and underserved in the Nation’s Capital.

Carol’s dedication to social justice is reflected in her 17 years of service at the Community for Creative Non-Violence (CCNV) homeless shelters, where she not only worked closely with individuals experiencing homelessness but also played a key role in creating innovative programs and shaping public policy on housing and homelessness issues. In 1998, as the District’s Lorton Correctional Institution was closing and thousands of DC prisoners were relocated far from home, Carol founded Hope House. During her time there, the nonprofit helped thousands of incarcerated fathers stay connected to their children through its programs, ensuring that fathers can continue to play an active and important role in their children’s lives even from behind bars.

RWW President Patty Brosmer expressed enthusiasm about Carol joining the Board, stating: “We are thrilled to welcome Carol to our Board. Her expertise will help strengthen RWW’s mission by placing an even greater focus on supporting families. We have long recognized the critical role family connections play in the successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals and in breaking the cycle of recidivism. By extending our efforts to include fathers who are currently incarcerated, RWW is equipping them with the tools and support needed to build meaningful, lasting relationships with their children. This approach not only boosts their confidence but also inspires them to reenter society as responsible, devoted fathers and citizens after their release.”

As the year draws to a close, Ready, Willing & Working encourages supporters to consider contributing to our mission with your End-of-Year Giving. With Carol’s addition to the Board and the expansion of our programs, we require additional financial support to continue opening doors of opportunity for currently and formerly incarcerated and homeless individuals. Donations help to empower these individuals to rebuild their lives, strengthen family bonds, and become positive contributors to their communities.

Your generosity ensures that the supportive services RWW has established, including case management meetings, relapse prevention, Metro fare cards, and other incentives, provide the tools necessary for the “men in blue” to gain the self-esteem and confidence they need to be successful. All donations are tax deductible (tax ID #26-2383012). Thank you for considering Ready, Willing & Working with your end of year giving!

Spreading Holiday Joy: RWW Brings Holiday Cheer to Families in DC & Cumberland Federal Prison

In December 2024, Ready, Willing & Working (RWW) sponsored two holiday events designed to make this season brighter for the children of our RWW participants in DC and families of incarcerated men at the Cumberland Federal Prison.

Thanks to so many generous donors we received hundreds of toys from our Amazon Wish List and monetary donations to pay the expenses of presenting the events.

On top of the bags of gifts, our DC families received delicious pizzas from Armond’s, home-baked cookies from Sue Stine, a visit from Santa and festive carols sung by the Capitol Hill Chorale.

At the federal prison incarcerated Dads “shopped” for gifts and wrote personal notes to go with the gifts as they anxiously awaited the arrival of their children. Once united, the visitors room was filled with smiles, hugs and lively conversation as the families did crafts and games together, enjoyed lunch and cake and snow cones, danced and recorded books for the kids to take home.

The 5 hours they got to spend together no doubt made memories that will last a lifetime. The event highlighted the deep joy and connection between fathers and children, reinforcing the resilience of these families. For incarcerated dads, it was a rare opportunity to give gifts and emotionally bond with their kids, reaffirming their roles as loving parents. As the event ended, families left filled with gratitude, hope, and optimism for the future.

Special thanks to Carol Fennelly for the inspiration, Patty Brosmer, McKenna Boyland and Andrew Lee for organizing and making everything so festive, Sue Stine, Ron Newmyer and Armonds Pizza, National Capital Bank, Marlin, Jim and Sigrid Dohlman, filmmaker Matt McClain, the good folks at Cumberland Federal Prison and all the generous gift and monetary donors ❤️

Holiday Cheer Spread to the Families of RWW 

Santa came early for the “Men & Women in Blue” and their families!

The first ever Drive-by Holiday Gift Party hosted by Ready, Willing & Working was held on December 15th. Piles of gifts, hot chocolate, pizza and cookies were enjoyed by all thanks to generous donors!

Big thanks to Carol Fennelly, Capitol Hill Chorale, Ron Newmyer with Armand’s Pizza, National Capital Bank, and all the amazing volunteers for making this event extra special!

Give the Gift of Joy this Holiday Season

Ready, Willing & Working is asking for your help in making this holiday season of love and joy a little more loving and joyful for the participants and their families. As you begin looking out for gifts, or scrolling through Amazon trying to find that special toy your own little one longs for, we hope you will also remember the children of the RWW families.

Many services of the RWW program go beyond support in their employment and branch into assistance with home life. This year, RWW is hosting a holiday party for participants and their families on December 15th to gift children with presents and lessen the financial burden of the holidays. While all of our participants earn a living wage, gift giving at the holidays can be an added expense that stretches their budgets and cause financial stresses on the families.

The holiday party will be hosted as a drive by through the parking lot of National Capital Bank. The “men in blue” and their children will come to enjoy holiday, treats, photos with Santa, and take home personal gifts for each child. The event organized in part by long time DC activist and Hope House founder, Carol Fennelly, who continues her work through retirement supporting families with incarcerated fathers.

There are two ways you can help:

  1. The fastest and easiest way is to order through our Amazon wish list. We have listed gifts with varying prices so most people can find something they can afford.
  2. You can also purchase gifts and deliver them directly to our office. Please call at 202-842-3333 to make arrangements for drop off.

All gifts and financial donations to purchase gifts will be tax deductible. Checks can be made payable to Ready, Willing & Working and sent to 1451 Pennsylvania SE, Unit 1, Washington, DC 20003 or sent directly online. Please make a note that it is for the holiday party. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Supporter Spotlight: Capitol Hill Community Foundation

Ready, Willing & Working is grateful for the ongoing support of Capitol Hill Community Foundation (CHCF). Thanks to the funding received from CHCF grants, RWW is able to provide supportive services that are so crucial to the success of the program.

Grant funding enables RWW to provide services such as weekly case management meetings, relapse prevention, Metro fare cards. These supports are essential to helping participants develop healthy life and work habits that ensure their future success as productive citizens once they finish the program.

Thank you to the Capitol Hill Community Foundation for your continued support of RWW!

Capitol Hill Swag Fall Fundraiser

Ready, Willing & Working is excited to be working with Capitol Hill BID for the second launch of our online merchandise store as a fundraiser for RWW featuring Capitol Hill’s new look! The store will close on Monday, November 2.

Capitol Hill Swag Fundraiser

Ready, Willing & Working is excited to be working with Capitol Hill BID on the official launch of an online merchandise store as a fundraiser for RWW featuring Capitol Hill’s new look!

For the past 11 years, the Annual Magic & Miracles Gala has been a critical event for raising funds for Ready, Willing & Working. We are unable to hold the gala this year due to the pandemic and need your support more now than ever.

The Capitol Hill Swag Fundraiser is an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. All sales help RWW continue to provide workers with supportive services such as weekly case management group meetings, one-on-one counseling and transportation funds.

With your Capitol Hill Swag purchase or additional donation, the men and women in RWW can continue to become self-sufficient and contributing members of society and enrich the communities they live in.

Thank you and please share the fundraiser with friends and family!

Get Ready to Bid!

Join Ready, Willing & Working (RWW) for an inspiring evening at the Kennedy Center for the 11th Annual Magic & Miracles Gala on Monday, June 3, from 6:30-9:30 p.m.

This year’s silent auction features a one-of-a-kind experience donated by Ethan Hawke himself: 

In support of Ready, Willing & Working, Ethan Hawke and his wife Ryan are donating two (2) tickets to the New York premiere of one of his upcoming films! Ethan Hawke is a critically-acclaimed, award-winning actor with several motion pictures in the works and you will have the chance to attend a premier between October 2019 and the end of 2020.

Movie premiers are exclusive events and tickets are not available to the general public. Get ready to bid and don’t miss this very special opportunity only available at the 11th Annual Magic & Miracles Gala at The Kennedy Center!

Want to know what other items will be featured at this year’s silent auction? Preview all of our exciting experiences, gift baskets and luxury resort accommodations in our new silent auction catalog.

For more information, please click here or visit

Ready, Willing & Working Announces Fred Smoot as Master of Ceremonies for the 11th Annual Magic & Miracles

Ready, Willing & Working (RWW) is excited to announce that former Redskin’s Quarterback Fred Smoot will serve as the Master of Ceremonies at the 11th Annual Magic & Miracles Gala at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on Monday, June 3

This year’s event will feature an open bar, delicious food, live music, a dazzling silent auction and a special video presentation as we celebrate the success of our in-house General Education Diploma (GED) program’s inaugural graduating class.

Don’t forget to purchase your ticket for this unforgettable evening and take advantage of our $70.00 “Early Bird” ticket specialbefore prices increase on Friday, May 3. 

For more information, please click here or visit

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