Capitol Hill Swag Fall Fundraiser

Ready, Willing & Working is excited to be working with Capitol Hill BID for the second launch of our online merchandise store as a fundraiser for RWW featuring Capitol Hill’s new look! The store will close on Monday, November 2.

For the past 11 years, the Annual Magic & Miracles Gala has been a critical event for raising funds for Ready, Willing & Working. We are unable to hold the gala this year due to the pandemic and need your support more now than ever.
With your generous purchases and direct donations during the summer launch, we raised almost $4,000 that went directly to supporting our “Men in Blue”. Again, all sales help RWW continue to provide workers with supportive services such as weekly case management group meetings, one-on-one counseling and transportation funds.
With your Capitol Hill Swag purchase or additional donation, the men and women in RWW can continue to become self-sufficient and contributing members of society and enrich the communities they live in.
Thank you and please share the fundraiser with friends and family!